Diamante Album (1994)
Diamante - Zucchero
respirero' 我呼吸
l'odore dei granai 鼓倉的氣味
e pace per chi ci sara' 平靜是為了誰存在
e per i fornai 為了烘焙師傅
pioggia saró 我將是雨
e pioggia tu sarai 你將是雨
i miei occhi si chiariranno e fioriranno i nevai 我的雙眼將清澈並讓雪地花兒盛開
impareremo a camminare 我們開始學習著走路
per mano insieme a camminare 手攜手地走
domenica 星期日
aspettero' 我等待著
che aprano i vinai 酒吧開門
piu' grande ti sembrero' 我將覺得你更棒
e tu piu' grande sarai 你將會更棒
nuove distanze ci riavvicineranno 新的距離,我們會更接近
dall'alto di un cielo, diamante, 從天空的那一邊,鑽石
i nostri occhi vedranno 我們的雙眼將看到
passare insieme soldati e spose 士兵與我們的妻子們一起走過
ballare piano in controluce 在逆光中慢舞著
moltiplicare la nostra voce 我們的聲音重疊
per mano insieme 手牽著手
soldati e spose 士兵們與妻子們
domenica, 星期天
domenica 星期天
passare insieme 一起走過
soldati e spose 士兵們與妻子們
ballare piano in controluce 在逆光中慢舞著
moltiplicare la nostra voce 我們的聲音重疊
passare in pace soldati e spose 士兵們與妻子們和平地走過
domenica 星期天
moltiplicare la nostra voce 我們的聲音重疊
passare in pace soldati e spose 士兵們與妻子們和平地走過
domenica 星期天
Diamante (English Version)
Where do I go, when part of me is dying?
Somewhere they're baking new bread
There's peace in my life.
I'll be the rain, and you'll be heaven crying
And my eyes will be filled with flowers
Upon the snowfields of white.
And we will learn to walk together
Oh hand in hand, we'll walk together
Waiting for you, I'll drink a glass of wine
My heart will explode again
And we'll be larger than life
Time in the distance, will bring me to your side
From high up in heaven, diamante
We'll see peace with our eyes.
We'll see them walking, the brides and soldiers
Dancing the dark, they melt together
Against the twilight
And all together we'll lift our voices
Singing the time, to play at soldiers
is gone forever
Fai piano i bimbi grandi non piangono
Fai piano i bimbi grandi non piangono
Fai piano i bimbi grandi non piangono
We'll see them walking, the brides and soldiers
Dancing the dark, they melt together
Against the twilight
And all together we'll lift our voices
Singing the time, to play at soldiers
is gone forever